Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo has donated €100,000 emergency aid to Ukraine
Etengo is committed to sustainability. Every day.
As a specialist IT staffing service provider, we work with people on a daily basis. We are helping to shape the digital future together with our customers and more than 40,000 freelance DIG.IT experts. Our view of the future is firmly anchored in our company culture.
We believe that diversity beats monotony, that we are enriched by different cultures, that different perspectives allow 360° solutions and that it is the duty of a successful company to accept responsibility. For the environment. For people. For the future.
Bei Betroffenen von Epidermolysis bullosa (kurz: EB) ist die Haut von Geburt an so verletzlich wie ein Schmetterlingsflügel. Sie werden daher als Schmetterlingskinder bezeichnet. Schon bei geringstem Druck und leichter Reibung bilden sich Blasen und schmerzhafte Wunden, da durch eine angeborene Genmutation die Verbindung zwischen den unterschiedlichen Hautschichten unzureichend ausgebildet ist. Die Schmetterlingskrankheit ist derzeit nicht heilbar und für die Betroffenen ein Leben lang mit massiven Einschränkungen verbunden. Etengo unterstützt die Interessengemeinschaft Epidermolysis Bullosa e. V. DEBRA Deutschland mit 10.000 € dabei, Schmetterlingskindern und ihren Angehörigen zu helfen.
The people in Ukraine.
In order to help ease the suffering of the people of Ukraine, Etengo has donated €100,000 to the Deutschland Hilft campaign to provide emergency medical aid, water, food and hygiene packages.
For a better climate. For cleaner air.
Christmas is the season of goodwill. In 2021, Etengo’s focus was on goodwill towards the environment. We wanted to give something back to nature, which is why we put more than 500 living trees ‘under the Christmas tree’ for the festive season. In the heart of Germany, a mixed forest of Scots elm, sycamore and silver fir is taking shape, every day contributing more and more to protecting the climate and the soil, and preventing flooding, not to mention filtering water and fine particulates. It will become a biodiverse habitat that contributes to reducing CO2.
Für schnelle Hilfe im Erdbebengebiet
Um den Helfern vor Ort dabei zu helfen, Not und Leid der betroffenen Menschen im türkisch/syrischen Erdbebengebiet zu lindern, hat Etengo der Aktion Deutschland Hilft – auch im Sinne aller Mitarbeiter:innen – 20.000 € für dringend benötigte humanitäre Hilfe zur Verfügung gestellt.
For a smile on a child’s face.
Real joy for the little ones. Etengo regularly donates gummy bears to the Ludwigshafen child protection agency, children’s homes in Mannheim, the railway mission and other charities. Why gummy bears? Because kids and customers love them!
For a new home
Fast help when it is really needed. When the Ahr valley flooded, Etengo immediately donated to help the Deutschland Hilft rescue network. This brought quick assistance to those in need and helped ease their suffering just a little.
For a second chance
When the weakest in society are affected, the stronger ones have to take over. In this case, Etengo employees raised more than €600 for German children’s cancer charities. Etengo rounded up the donation to €1,000.
For increased diversity.
Etengo was not just there, we had our own float right in the middle of the CSD Rhein-Neckar 2022 parade in Mannheim. The awnings on the Etengo truck could not be used again, but they could be repurposed. We gave them a come-back of their own, making them into customised bags with the help of Lebenshilfe e.V. Every bag is unique. Every one is different. So they are just as diverse as we are. Etengo employees donated money for their own personal favourites, all in line with the motto of CSD 2022 ‘#FreeUkraine’ supporting queer emergency aid to Ukraine.
Für kleine Handicap-Kicker.
Etengo unterstützt die jungen Handicap-Kicker des Grün-Weiß Brauweiler mit einer jährlichen Spende, um dabei zu helfen, dass die heranwachsenden Jungen und Mädchen auch mit ihrem körperlichen oder geistigen Handicap voller Leidenschaft kicken können … und die inklusive Mannschaft alles hat, um als Sieger vom Platz zu gehen.
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